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Main Issues

Please report any problems or requests in the Github Issue Tracker

Network Disconnections

Hutspot can detect network disconnections but Librespot does not handle them very well. See Issue 134. So right now upon disconnect Hutspot if configured to conreol Librespot will stop the service and asks to Quit.

No Player Queue

The Spotify Web-API does not support a player queue. You will have to use Playlists to have some of sort of queue functionality.

Playlist Snapshots

When you play a playlist you are in fact playing a specific snapshot of that playlist. This means that any modification to that playlist will not be reflected in the list being Played. For example added tracks will not show up until the playlist is restarted.

As Hutspot uses a playlist for playing seperate tracks this is a problem. Currently Hutspot, when reaching the end of the last track, tries to determine if the playlist has been modified and then to load the fresh snapshot and continue with the new tracks. Unfortunately this is not working correctly.